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  • 【专升本英语参考】2022年12月大学英语四级翻译模拟试题选
  • 时间:2022-08-07 14:14:13        编辑:陈心正        点击量:2484次

  • 【心正说明】河南专升本考试科目,采用的是"英语+专业课"的模式。其中的英语科目分为公共英语和专业英语,非英语专业考试公共英语,难度相当于公共英语3级半,英语专业考试专业英语。





    京剧(Peking Opera),被称为中国的国剧,起源于 18 世纪晚期,是将音乐、舞蹈和艺术综合于一体的戏曲。在中国京剧是最具影响力和代表性的戏曲,它有着 200 多年的历史,是中华民族的瑰宝。京剧剧目(repertoire)主要讲述前朝的传说和故事,其中包括重要的历史事件和王侯将相的故事。京剧有着丰富的剧目、众多的表演艺术家和大批的观众,对中国的戏曲发展有着深远影响。


    Peking Opera, known as China's national opera, originated in the late 18th century. It is a synthesis of music, dance and art. Peking Opera, a national treasure with a his tory of over 200 years, is the most influential and representative opera in China. The repertoire of Peking Opera is mainly engaged in the legends and stories of preceding dynasties, including important historical events and the stories of emperors, minist ers and generals. With rich repertoire as well as a large number of artists and audiences, Peking Opera has exerted a deep influence over the development of operas in China.



    毛笔(Chinese brush) 是—种源于中国的传统书写工具,与墨、纸、理(ink stone) 并称为“ 文房四宝 ”。毛笔有着悠久的历史,相传为秦始皇的大将蒙恬所创。 毛笔笔尖最初用兔毛,后来也用羊、狼、鸡、鼠等动物毛,笔管用竹或其他材料制成。在古代,毛笔不仅是一种基本的书写工具,还被广泛用于书法(calligraphy)和绘画创作。几千年来,它为创造中华民族光辉灿烂的文化做出了卓越的贡献。


    Chinese brush is a traditional writing instrument originated in China, which, together with ink stick, paper, ink stone, is known as Four Treasures of the Study. Chinese brush has a long history. Legend has it that the brush was invented by Meng T ian, a general under the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Originally, the head of the brush was made from rabbit hairs, and later also from the hairs of go ats, wolves, chickens, mice and other animals. The shaft was made of bamboo or other materials. In ancient times, Chinese brush was not only an essential writing tool, but also widely used in calligraphy and painting. For thousands of years, it has made outstanding contributions to the creation of the effulgent Chinese culture.



    随着人民生活水平和消费水平的提高,中国的垃圾问题日益严峻。很多城市被垃圾包围。面对日益增长的垃圾产量和环境状况的恶化,中国政府正在努力推行垃圾分类(garbage classification)的政策。垃圾分类是指将垃圾分为可回收利用和不可回收利用两类,要求人们将垃圾投放至不同的垃圾桶(trash can),通过不同的清理、运输和回收方式,使之变成新的资源。它可以减少垃圾处理量,降低处理成本,减少土地资源的消耗,对社会、经济、生态三方面都有益。


    With the improvement of people's living standards and the increase in consumption level, the garbage problem in China becomes increasingly urgent. Many cities are surrounded by garbage. Confronted with the growing garbage output and deteriorating environment, the Chinese government is implementing the policy of garbage classification with great effort. Garbage classification means dividing garbage into recyclable and unrecyclable, and requires people to put garbage into different trash cans so that it can become new resources through different ways of cleaning, transporting and recycling.It can reduce not only the amount of garbage that needs to be disposed of, but also the deposing cost and the usage of the land, benefiting our society, economy, and environment.



    据新华社(Xinhua News Agency)报道称,中国人每年浪费的食物约等同于 5000 万吨粮食。让人更为震惊的大学生浪费的食物数量是全国平均量的两倍。为了减少粮食浪费,许多高校食堂纷纷采取各种措施。通过提高饭菜的质量、提供小份菜等举措鼓励学生参与“光盘行动”(eat-up campaign)。这些措施极大地提高了学生们节约食物的意识。很多学生表示要为杜绝食物浪费尽一己之力。


    According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people every year is equal to about 50 million tons of grain. Wha t is more astonishing is that college students waste twice as much food as the national average. T o reduce food waste, many college canteens have taken various measures. B y adopting measures like improving the food quality and offering small portions, they encourage students to join in the eat -up campaign. These measures have greatly improved students' awareness of food co nservation. Many students said they would do their bit to eliminate food waste.



    低碳生活(low-carbon life) 对于我们普通人来说是一种态度,我们应该积极提倡并去实践,从自己做起,从节约水电这些点滴做起。除了植树,有的人买运输里程很短的商品,还有人坚持爬楼梯,形形色色,非常有趣。“低碳生活”的理念逐渐被世界各国所接受。低碳生活的出现不仅告诉人们可以为减碳做些什么,还告诉人们可以怎么做。在这种生活方式逐渐兴起的时候,大家开始关心自己每天是否为减碳做了什么。


    Low-carbon life is an attitude for ordinary people, an d we should actively advocate and practice low -carbon life by doing it from ourselves and by starting bit by bit from saving water and electricity. Beside s planting trees, some people purchase goods within a short delivery distance and others stick to climbing stairs. People do various things to live a low -carbon life, whic h is really interesting. “Lo w- carbon life “concep t has gradually been accepted worldwi de. The emergence of low - carbon lifestyle not only introduces to people what they can do for carbon reduction, but also tells them how they can do it. As this lifestyle gradually becomes popular, people begin to ask themselves whether they have contributed something to carbon reduction every day.



    所谓 5G 网络,是指第五代移动通信网络,5G 技术是全球新一轮科技和产业革命的关键技术,具备高速率、低延时和大容量等特征。在 2019 年的全国两会上,新闻中心首次实现了 5G 信号全覆盖,“部长通道”首次进行了 5G+VR 直播,全新的技术加持,进一步丰富了金融媒体的报道方式和手段,也为传递两会盛况注入了新的活力与元素。


    The so-called 5G network refers to the fifth-generation mobile communication network. 5G technology is a key technology in the new round of global scientific and industrial revolution, featuring high speed, low latency and large capacity. At the two sessions in 2019, the press center realized the full coverage of 5G signal for the first time,and the "minister channel" carried out the 5G+VR live broadcast fo r the first time. With the support of brand-new technology, it further enriched the reporting methods and means of financial media and injected new vitality and elements into the two sessions.



    筷子(chopsticks)是中国传统的独具特色的进食工具( dining utensils),至今已有数千年的历史。筷子在古代被称为“箸”,大约从明朝开始才有了“筷子”的称呼。筷子多为竹子制成,也有用木头、象牙(ivory)、金属或其他材料制作而成。它要么上方下圆,要么上下全圆而上粗下细。不管其形状如何,筷子必须是成对使用的,并且两只筷子的大小长短要相同。筷子是中国人日常生活的必备工具,它的发明充分反映了中国人民的智慧。


    Chopsticks, with a history of thousands of years, are unique traditional Chinese dining utensils. They were called "zhu" in ancient China and the name of "Kuai Zi" began to be used in Ming Dynasty. Chopsticks are usually made of bamboo. Some ar e made of wood, ivory, metals or other materials. Their upper parts are squar e and lower parts round, or they are all round with thicker upper parts and thinner lower parts. Whatever their shapes are, they are used in pairs and the pair must be identical to each other. Chopsticks are the necessary dining utensils in Chinese people's daily life, the invention of which fully displays the intelligence of Chinese people.





    The Classical Gardens of Suzhou are reputed as "Jiangnan gardens are the best in the world and Suzhou gardens are the best in Jiangnan”. It began in the Spring and Autumn Period, formed in the five Dynasties, matured in the Song Dynasty and flourishe d in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Among them, the Humble Administrator Garde n and the Lingering Garden are the most famous. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou, with the superb artistic technique of freehand brushwork landscape, contains the strong Chinese trad itional thought and cultural connotation, is the oriental civilization garden art model and is the outstanding representative of the Chinese garden.



    四合院(Quadrangle),是中国的一种传统合院式建筑,其格局为一个院子四面建有房屋,从四面将庭院合围在中间,故名四合院。四合院至少有 3000 多年的历史,其中以北京四合院最为典型。四合院通常为大家庭所居住,提供了对外界比较隐秘的庭院空间,其建筑和格局体现了中国传统的尊卑等级思想以及阴阳五行学说。


    Quadrangle is a kind of traditional courtyard building in China. Its pattern is a courtyard with houses built on all sides, enclosing the courtyard in the middle from all side s, so it is named Quadrangle. It has a history of at least 3000 years, amon g which Beijing Quadrangle is the most typical. Quadrangle is usually inhabite d by the extended family and provides a private courtyard space to the outsid e world. Its architecture and pattern reflec t the traditional Chinese hierarchy and the theory of Yin and Yang and the five Elements.



    唐朝是中国古代最繁荣、兴旺、灿烂、光荣的时期。因此,中国人穿的传统服装就被称为“唐装(Tang suit)”。实际上,“唐装”并不是唐朝的服装。它的起源可以追溯到清朝,由马褂(Chinese jacket)演变而来。唐装的颜色多种多样,最常见的是红色、深蓝色、金色和黑色。唐装上一种常见的设计是使用汉字来表达好运和祝福。今天,仍然有很多人会在传统的节日里穿唐装。


    The Tang Dynasty was the most thriving, prosperous, splendid and gloriou s period in ancient China. As a result, the traditional clothing worn by th e Chinese is called “Tang suit”. Actually, "Tang suit” is not the clothing of the Tang Dynasty. Its origin can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, evolving from Chinese jacket, Tang suit is made in different colors, the most common are red, dark blue, gold and black. One common design is the usage of Chinese characters to convey good luck and wishes. Today, there are still many people who would wear Tang suit during traditional festivals.



    五粮液是中国历史悠久的著名白酒品牌。它于 1915 年被授予巴拿马国际博览会(the Panama International Exposition)金质奖章,至今已获得 30 多项国际一等奖。该酒由优质五谷酿造而成:高粱(sorghum)、大米、糯米(glutinous rice)、小麦、玉米。因此,该酒命名为“五粮液”,字面意思是五种粮食的酒。五粮液酒香气浓郁,无色纯净。味道醇厚爽口。五粮液产于四川宜宾,该地年温差小,昼夜温差小,湿度很大,对谷物生长非常有利,适合酿酒(wine brewing)所需微生物的生存。


    Wu Liang Ye is a famous Chinese liquor brand that has a very long history. It was awarded the Gold Medal of the Panama International Exposition in 1915. Since then, it has won more than 30 international first prizes. It is made of five high-quality grains: sorghums, rice, glutinous rice, wheats and corns. Thus, it was named as “Wu Liang Ye”, literally meaning five-grain liquor. Wu Liang Ye Liquor is of strong aroma, colorless and pure. It tastes mellow and refreshing. Wu Liang Ye is made in Yibin, Sichuan Province, where the annual temperature difference and the temperature difference between day and night are small, and the humidity is very high, which are very beneficial to the growth of grains and suitable for the survival of microorganisms needed in wine brewing.



    黄梅戏(Huangmei Opera)源于湖北省黄梅县的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧 (Yue Opera)、评剧(Ping Opera)和豫剧(Yu Opera)是中国的五大戏曲。它最初是以一种简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式出现的。后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市。它吸收了徽剧和当地歌舞的元素,发展到了今天的形式。黄梅戏以一种淸新的风格反映了普通居民的生活,受到了群众的喜爱。


    Huangmei Opera was originated from tea picking songs in Huangmei county, Hubei province. It is one of the Five Operas in China together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera. It first appeared as a simple drama of song and dance. Later, it was spread to Anqing, Anhui Province by immigrating victims of floods. Absorbing elements of Anhui Opera and local songs and dances, Huangmei Opera was developed to the present form. It enjoys gr eat popularity among the masses by reflecting the life of ordinary people in a fresh style.


    1.黄梅戏源于湖北省黄梅县的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧是中国的五大戏曲:后半句可以理解为“黄梅戏是中国五大戏曲之一”,即 Huangmei Opera is one of the Five Operas in China。再翻译句子的剩余部分连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧”时, 可将其看作是句子的状语,译为 together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera。


    可译为 a simple drama of song and dance。

    3.后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市:该句可译为被动句,其中主干则是 it was spread to...by immigrating victims of floods 。



    中国这片古老神秘而又美丽的土地吸引着很多喜欢冒险的(adventurous)外国人。作为面积 960 万平方公里的世界第三大国,中国地势(terrain)和气候的多样性塑造了无数迷人的自然景观。中国植物、动物和矿产资源丰富。这片土地孕育(nurture)了一代代勤奋的中国人民。除“四大发明”外,中国也有独一无二的艺术和手工艺品,包含绘画、书法、曲艺、刺绣(embroidery)和丝绸。


    China is an ancient, mysterious and beautiful land, which attracts a host of adventurous foreigners. As the third largest country in the world, China covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. Various terrains and climates in China shape countless fa scinating natural attractions. In China, there are abundant plants, animals and mineral resources. This land has nurtured generations of diligent Chinese people. In addition to “The Four Great Inventions”, China has unique arts and handcrafts, including paintings, calligraphy, operas, embroideries and silk.



    人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代。6 年来,全球 100 多个国家和国际组织积极支持和参与“一带一路”建设(the Belt and Road Initiative) 。2014 年至2018 年,中国同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易总额超过 6 万亿美元。中国对“一带一路” 沿线国家投资累计超过 500 亿美元。中国企业已经在 20 多个国家建设 56 个经贸合作区(economic cooperation zone),为有关国家创造近 24 亿美元税收(tax revenue)和27 万个就业岗位。


    Humankind has reached an age of great progress, great transformation and profound changes. Six years on, over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. Trade between China and other Belt and Road countries exceeded 6 trillion U.S. dollars in the 2014 -2018 period, and China’s investment in these countries surpassed 50 billion dollars. Chinese companies have set up 56 economic cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some 2.4 billion dollars of tax revenue and 270 thousand jobs for them.



    高等教育(higher education)是教育系统中最重要组成部分之一,它通常包括高层次的学习、教学和研究活动,以及各类教育机构。目前,中国共有高等学校 2723 所, 研究生培养单位 797 个,这些为中国的发展起到了巨大作用。近些年来,教育体制改革不断深化。中国将不断地探索更加公平和科学的人才培养机制,并借鉴国外的有益经验,以提升教学质量和科研水平,增强大学生在劳动力市场当中的竞争力。


    Higher education, one of the most important parts of the education system, usually includes learning, teaching and research activities at a high level, and also various education institutions. At present, there are 2723 institutions of higher learning and 797 institutions of graduate students’ development in China, which play a big role in China’s development. In recent years, the education system reform has been deepened . China will continuously explore more fair and more scientific talent development system, and borrow the good experience from other countries (in order) to improve teaching quality and research level and enhance the college students’ competitiveness in the labor market.



    中国人民依法享受超过115天的假期,其中包括104天的周 末和11天的节假日。中国一年中有7个法定假日,包括元旦(New Year’s Day),春节(Spring Festival),清明节(Qingming Festival), 五一劳动节(May Day),端午节(Dragon Boat Festival),中秋节(Mid- Autumn Day)和国庆节(National Day)。员工有5至15天的带薪年假。学生和老师有大约三个月的寒暑假。在中国,暑假一般约在7月1 日开始,8月31日左右结束,寒假是根据春节的日期,通常是在1 月或2月。


    Chinese people legally enjoy over 115 days off including 104 days of weekends and 11 days of festivals. China has seven legal holidays in a year,including New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and National Day. Employees have 5 to 15 days of paid annual leave. Students and teachers have summer and winter vacations for about three months. The summer vacation in China generally starts around July 1st and ends around August 31st,and the winter vacation usually falls on January or February according to the date of the Spring Festival.



    中国扇子的历史可以追溯到3000多年前的商朝(the Shang Dynasty)。第一种扇子叫作“扇汗”(Shanhan),是拴在马车上用来 挡住强烈的阳光,给乘客遮雨的。“扇汗”有点像现在的雨伞。后来 “扇汗”变成了由薄但是结实的丝绸或者鸟的羽毛做成的长柄扇,称 为中山扇(Zhangshan fan),它主要用于皇帝的仪仗(honour guard)装饰。


    The history of Chinese fan can be dated to over 3,000 years ago,around the Shang Dynasty. The first type of fan, known as Shanhan, was tied to a horse-drawn carriage to shut out the strong sunshine and shelter the passengers from the rainfall. The Shanhan was a bit like today’s umbrella. Later this Shanhan became a long-handled fan made of thin and tough silk or birds5 feathers, called a Zhangshan fan, which was mainly used by the emperor’s honour guard as decoration.


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